How do you feel your body has changed from Barre classes?
While I have been committed to exercise my whole adult life, I appreciate the way that Barre helps me to sculpt and tone muscles and maintain my overall core strength and flexibility.
What is your favorite part of coming to Barre Centric classes?
All of the instructors are professional, competent and kind. Each class provides an efficient, challenging, fast-paced workout with a balance of consistent and variable elements. I always walk out of class grateful and with a sense of well being.
Advice for anyone who is thinking about trying his or her first barre class?
Keep coming. It gets less awkward each time, but not necessarily easier. Barre is a different type of exercise than most people are used to. With time, you figure out how to concentrate your internal focus to make the intentional small movements really work to sculpt your body for great results.